T O M (TM) ------------------------- Version 1.02 -------------- D E S C R I P T I O N A N D -------------------------------- A U T H O R I N F O R M A T I O N -------------------------------------- Last updated: February, 1992 This file includes sample descriptions which you may use to describe the TOM package. Disk Vendors and Distributors please refer to the VENDOR.TXT text file. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Program Information: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- File Name(s) for BBSs: ---------------------- For consistency and to help users locate the files, please use the following file names: TOM102.ZIP Keywords: ~~~~~~~~~ [TOM TOM102 DATABASE TEXT RETRIEVAL EDITOR] Category: ~~~~~~~~~ [DATABASE, TEXT RETRIEVAL] Program Name, Category, Keywords: --------------------------------- [TOM, TOM102, DATABASE, TEXT RETRIEVAL] Short Description: ------------------ [TOM is a free-form text retrieval program. It features pull-down menus and windows. It has a built-in full screen editor for easy file editing. TOM indexes every word in your files for fast access. You can search for words numbers, dates, phrases... Search conditions can be formulated using logical operators and delimiters and wildcards such as AND, OR, NOT, *, (), "". ] Long Description: ----------------- [TOM is a program that allows you to create and maintain an electronic version of a filing cabinet. It can be used as: . a file management tool . a text retrieval tool You don't have to learn any new theory, concept or new procedure. TOM gives you the freedom to design your own filing system in a true user-friendly environment. TOM features: . pull-down menus and windows, for easy user intercation . a powerfull indexing engine that indexes every word in your files . a fast search engine for easy and quick access to the information . logical operators and delimiters (AND, *, OR, NOT, "", ()) for more advanced search conditions . a built-in full screen editor to create/edit your files No matter how many documents you have in your filing cabinet, any word, sentence or number is just few key-strokes away. Specifications of TOM: . Number of drawers 32,767 . Number of folders 32,767 . Number of cards 65,535 . Number of links/card 255 . Size of a card 65,500 . Memory required 512KB . DOS version required 3.x or above . Computer IBM PC, XT, AT or compatible] Registration Information: ------------------------- For complete user registration information please refer to the REGISTER.TXT text file. Author/Publisher Information: ----------------------------- PolySoft-Australia is an Australian Company based in Sydney, Owned by George T. Tohme. Please feel free to contact me (George Tohme) at any time if you have any questions, comments or suggestions. I can be reached by mail at the following address: PolySoft-Australia P.O. Box K245 Haymarket Sydney 2000 Australia I can also be reached by voice or electronically as follows: Voice: (61) (2) 724-0313 CompuServe: 76244,3171 ----------------------------------- END OF DESCRIBE.TXT ----------------